We've seen an increase in illness in our community. Learn easy ways to keep you and your family healthy during cold and flu season. Click here to learn more.

Amoskeag Health offers three unique special medical programs services, including:
Complex Care Network
Nutrition, Feeding, and Swallowing Services
Child Development Clinics

Special Medical Programs (SMP)

Amoskeag Health conducts virtual or in-person consultation and collaboration to families, medical professionals, schools and other community agencies caring for children. To learn more about this program, call 603-860-4151.
Complex Care Network
A statewide network of pediatric nutritionists and feeding and swallowing specialists providing in-home and community-based consultation. To learn more about this program, call 603-296-9213.
Nutrition, Feeding, and Swallowing Services
A comprehensive diagnostic assessment for children through age five. To learn more about this program, please reach out to Pat McLean at either PMclean@AmoskeagHealth.org or 603-296-9249.