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Supporting Families for Brighter Futures
What is Early Childhood Region 4?
The purpose of the Regional Early Childhood Structure is to bring together and improve services for kids and families in New Hampshire. It's part of a bigger plan to make early childhood care and education better in the state. The aim is to create a system that prepares children for kindergarten and academic achievement; fosters safe, healthy, and engaged families; and promotes social and emotional health and well-being. The Early Childhood Region 4 is led by the LAUNCH Region 4 Leadership Team who helps support initiatives addressing early childhood in Greater Manchester and Greater Derry.
Amoskeag Health and Granite United Way co-lead the LAUNCH Region 4 Leadership Team, with additional participation from several local organizations. Region 4 encompasses Manchester, Derry, and 15 other communities, serving a population of approximately 278,000 people.
The LAUNCH Region 4 Leadership Team works closely with both the Manchester LAUNCH and the Greater Derry LAUNCH. These groups consist of advisory committees, collaboratives, and workgroups dedicated to improving early childhood education and support systems. They focus on understanding what the community needs, connecting with partners, and sharing training.

Who is the LAUNCH Region 4 Leadership Team?
If you have any questions about the LAUNCH Regional 4 Leadership Team, please email CommunityInitiatives@AmoskeagHealth.org.

Vision: Young children and their families flourish in a coordinated system of supports and services.
Mission: Promote and support an equitable and sustainable early childhood system that improves outcomes for young children and their families.
What is the vision and mission of the Region 4 Leadership Team?
Equitable Early Childhood System:
Make sure all families can easily use early childhood services. -
Engagement and Relationship Building Across Sectors:
Make partnerships stronger between the different groups that work with young kids. -
Communication and Coordination:
Share information better between people involved in early childhood services to make things work smoother.

What are the key priorities for Region 4?
Manchester Early Learning Collaborative: Second Tuesday of each month at 11:00 am via Teams.
Derry Early Learning Collaborative: Third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 am via Teams.
Manchester LAUNCH Family Wellness Collaborative: First Thursday every other month from 9:00-10:30 am in person or via Teams.
Community Wide Pyramid Model Leadership team: Third Thursday every other month from 11-12 via Teams.
The Pyramid Model is a guide based on evidence-based practices that helps young children learn social and emotional skills. It works with a program's existing lessons instead of being a separate curriculum. This guide is useful for teachers, early childhood special education staff, early intervention workers, and families.
Have a question? Please email CommunityInitiatives@AmoskeagHealth.org.