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What is ACERT?
The Adverse Childhood Experiences Response Team (ACERT) is a multi-disciplinary, collaborative approach to addressing the negative effects of childhood trauma. The ACERT model acts as a referral mechanism that connects families and their children to local trauma-informed mental health services and social supports.
In Manchester, the ACERT core partnership includes the Police Department, YWCA-NH, and Amoskeag Health who work collaboratively to provide assistance to families, and their children, who have had recent police involvement. This referral program is voluntary and offers connections to a variety of therapies, youth support groups, domestic violence services, athletic enrichment programs, home visiting, and many other child/family-based resources. The ACERT model has been touted as a best-practice secondary health prevention program by former California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris and has been replicated in multiple other communities across New Hampshire.
To learn more, please email ACERT@amoskeaghealth.org.
Learn more about ACERT here: https://www.acert.us/

The ACERT team consists of a family advocate, a crisis services advocate, and a first responder.
Congressman Chris Pappas at Amoskeag Health.

Representatives from YWCA NH, Manchester Police Department, and Amoskeag Health demonstrating community collaboration.