We've seen an increase in illness in our community. Learn easy ways to keep you and your family healthy during cold and flu season. Click here to learn more.

We are currently accepting new patients! Please call 603-626-9500 or fill out the form below to request an appointment. A Patient Services Representative will contact you as soon as possible to schedule your new patient appointment.
If you are new patient who is interested in our Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) program, please call 603-935-5263 to speak with one of our MAT providers.
We accept most insurance plans at Amoskeag Health. Many insurance companies make agreements with healthcare providers to offer lower rates to patients; this is called being "in-network." Please contact your administrator or insurance company to ensure that we are in-network with your health insurance plan.
Even if your insurance auto-assigned you to an Amoskeag Health primary care physician, you must fill out the form below before visiting us. If you need help, please call 603-935-5336.